Study abroad program
Complete your academic development with an experience abroad! Studying in a foreign country is a great opportunity to get exposure to different cultures and is a valuable complement to your college life.
It’s a bilateral agreement between ֱapp and a partner university to exchange students for one semester or one year. Students enroll in their university of origin and take equivalent courses available in the partner university.
It’s a free mobility experience during the Summer, where students study in a university of their choosing and may have those credits evaluated so they can be validated at ֱapp.
These are trips coordinated by a professor or an academic unit as an integral part of or as a complement to a course. They may or may not include enrollment in a graded course.
It’s a work or research experience in an entity or university. The internship may be an integral part of a curriculum or an independent co-curricular opportunity. To get further information, please contact the Auxiliary Vice Chancellorship of Scholarships and Internships at the Integrated Student Services Center.